CloudRay’s Notifiers allow you to receive real-time notifications about the status of your automated tasks. You can configure notifiers to trigger HTTP requests to specified URLs when specific events occur within CloudRay.

How Notifiers Work

  1. Create a Notifier: Navigate to the “Notifiers” tab in CloudRay and click “New Notifier”.

  2. Configure the Notifier:

    • Name: Give your notifier a descriptive name (e.g., “Slack Notification”, “Error Alert Email”).
    • Event: Choose the event that should trigger the notification:
      • Runlog Finished: When a Runlog successfully completes.
      • Runlog Failed: When a Runlog encounters an error and fails.
    • URL: Enter the URL that CloudRay should send an HTTP request to when the event occurs. This could be a webhook URL for a service like Slack, a custom API endpoint, or any other URL that can receive and process notifications.
  3. Save Notifier: Click “Save Notifier” to activate your new notification.

Using Notifiers

  • Custom Integration: Configure your external service or endpoint to receive and process the HTTP requests from CloudRay. The request will include details about the triggering event, such as the Runlog ID and status.
  • Real-time Alerts: Stay informed about the progress of your automated tasks without constantly checking CloudRay.
  • Error Monitoring: Receive immediate alerts when scripts fail, enabling quick troubleshooting.

Important Considerations:

  • Webhook Compatibility: Ensure that the URL you provide can accept incoming webhook requests from CloudRay. Consult the documentation of your external service or endpoint for details on how to set up webhooks.
  • Data Security: If you are sending sensitive data in the notification payload, consider encrypting it or using secure transmission protocols (e.g., HTTPS).
  • Rate Limiting: Be mindful of any rate limits imposed by your external service or endpoint to avoid exceeding them.